Oh my! Where do I begin!? Hello world! Your girl has been MIA from blogging but I have certainly still been on these social media streets. One thing led to another and kept me away from updating my blog, but the current highlight of my life is that I am Pregnant! My husband and I are welcoming baby #2 and we count o…
Showing posts from January, 2023

Hi, i'm Lizzy! It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me! I am a mom, wife, and lifestyle/family content creator/influencer. This is my full time job and I love being able to use my platform to encourage the modern woman to "Live her best life" through my personal life experiences.
Featured post
Transitioning from One Child to Two: A Personal Journey of Balancing Love
Hello friends! This is a post I've been wanting to write because I believe it'll help somebody out there. Becoming a parent for the second time is an exhilarating journey, but it can also bring a whirlwind of emotions for your firstborn. As a mom who's walked this path, I'm here to share heartfelt, si…