I'm Lizzy!

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It brings me joy to enlighten, inspire and encourage the modern woman to "live her best life". While I enjoy sharing about family life as a wife and mom with physical disability, you can also find me posting about fashion, beauty, fitness, my favorite recipes (because... who doesn't love food), and so much more. It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me!

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Learning apps and videos for babies and toddlers

 Hello world, If you're reading this, there's a great chance you are interested in finding good learning apps or videos for your babies or toddlers. 

I have a daughter - Zuri who is currently two years old and I made it priority to start exposing and engaging her with learning resources since she was born. Mainly with background sounds and a little bit of reading till she was about 6 months old when I introduced her to videos and a few apps. I have always been of the notion that I will allow screen time as long as it's educational, monitored and for an allocated time during  the day. Every parent wants the best for their children, so I was determined to try variety of apps, and go through countless numbers of videos on youtube till I found the ones that "made sense" and kept Zuri engaged. Initially I didn't see the "results", but over time I can testify that these things work and I am here to share them with you for FREE. 

In today's post, I will  be listing some of the apps and videos I've used (and still use) for Zuri and I hope they help your kids too. Please leave a comment below if any of my recommendations help you. 

Plus, please bookmark this  post because I plan to update it as she grows. 

First on the list is THIS PLAYLIST I created on my youtube channel. We love all the videos on this list and I continue to update the playlist as we discover more things. Alphabets, to shapes, colors and lots more. I like that she can be entertained while also learning by watching these videos. 

I also posted THIS VIDEO on my youtube channel showing Zuri using a few educational apps. These apps not only help with motor skills and coordination, but they are also a way to test her knowledge on the things she watches in the videos I listed above. The apps I mentioned in that video are: VooksShapes and Colors (I also love every other app from the company that create this), ABC Flashcard ProPreschool, and Numbers counting cards

I also use the HOMER learning app and I have completely seen how all of these tools combined with reading physical books when we can help with Zuri's learning and comprehension.

It pays to get the 'ad-free' version of some of these apps, but you can try the free versions first. 

Some additional things I want to share when it comes to babies and toddler learning are as follows:

- No mindless learning. Try to engage with the kids as they're watching videos or using the apps. Ask questions, answer questions and ask them to repeat after you (or the video)

- No learning as punishment or reward. Learning time should be fun and be understood as learning time. Don't use tablet/phones/apps/or videos as punishment or reward for the kids. Again, try to engage with the kids as they learn. 

- Repetition is key. You might think you need to move on to the next things so as not to bore the kids, but that is actually not necessary. Repetition helps to cement things in the kids brain. If they can watch "baby shark doodoodoo"  100 times and not get tired, they most certainly can watch the alphabet song 500 times. That was how I got Zuri to finally learn the days of the week and months of the year.  Repeat the videos over and over again. However...

- Switch things up. Yes, I know I just said repetition is great for learning, but I like to switch  things up after a while. Apps today, videos tomorrow, physical books the next day. It could still be the same topic - like colors, but switching up the method of learning usually helps too. 

- Review afterwards. This basically means bringing up what the child saw in the video or apps after they're done with it. For example when Zuri started learning about shapes, I would randomly remind her about the videos she watched or apps she used by pointing to objects around the house and ask her what shape those objects are. She got REALLY excited to connect the things she learned with her everyday life and surroundings. 

Overall, have fun with the learning process. No knowledge gained is a waste. The kids are learning everything you expose them to. It may look to you like they're not learning anything, but keep going. One day the switch will turn on and you'll be AMAZED at how much they've picked up by being exposed to all the resources above. 

While I will continue to advocate for physical books and practical learning, I just have to say I see so much benefit in all that digital learning and apps have helped us to achieve.

I basically home-school Zuri since she's never been to daycare or any classroom, and everything she knows is because of all of the resources I use with her. Apps, videos, books, and even educational toys  from amazon like I listed HERE

Please feel free to ask any questions in  the comments below.

Thanks for visiting, till later. 

God bless.