I'm Lizzy!

Glad to have you here!

It brings me joy to enlighten, inspire and encourage the modern woman to "live her best life". While I enjoy sharing about family life as a wife and mom with physical disability, you can also find me posting about fashion, beauty, fitness, my favorite recipes (because... who doesn't love food), and so much more. It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me!

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Soothe cough this season with Halls Cough drops

This post is sponsored by Halls. All opinions are my own. 

The season for cold and cough is upon us and if you are like me, you know that it is better to be prepared than to be caught off-guard. 

There's nothing quite as annoying as having a cough and not having something in your cabinet to temporarily soothe your sore throat. 

I have been a fan of the Halls Cough Drops since forever and that is because it temporarily soothes sore throats and relieves cough. 
As a mom who is always on the go, I cannot let a cough slow me down. 

While I don't look forward to sick days, I know that I am always ready to tackle them with my warm drinks, thick clothing and HALLS cough drops in my cabinet. 

HALLS cough drops come in different flavors and the Mentho-Lyptus and Cherry are my favorite. 

What are some things you do when cold/cough hits you or someone in your household? 

I should mention that I also love to curl up on my couch to watch some holiday movies. 

Get ready for whatever life throws or coughs your way this season and stock up with HALLS cough drops in your cabinets. 

Remember it's better to be prepared than to be caught off-guard.

Till later, God bless.