I'm Lizzy!

Glad to have you here!

It brings me joy to enlighten, inspire and encourage the modern woman to "live her best life". While I enjoy sharing about family life as a wife and mom with physical disability, you can also find me posting about fashion, beauty, fitness, my favorite recipes (because... who doesn't love food), and so much more. It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me!

    Fashion, Travel, Beauty and everything in between ♡
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    Here you can find everything about being a mom to a beautiful little girl ♡
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    Love it or hate it? Check out all of my reviews here! ♡
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Showing posts from August, 2017

28 Lessons Life Has Taught Me

Hello lovers, So today is my birthday. (Thank you, thank you. You can stop clapping now) As this day crept up, I began to think back on the years I've lived and I had the urge to write down 28 lessons I've learned from and about life so far. I realize that I am a product of love and I am so blessed …


Hello loves,  The title of this post pretty much tells you what I am here to tell you today! However, stay with me for a bit while I ramble on why I am doing this ultimate giveaway! As most of you know, about a year ago, I married the love of my life. We will be celebrating our one year anniversary in Septe…