Hello Loves! Zoya is doing it again! What is IT you ask? Well, my darlings, the matte-velvet nail polishes are it! As someone who own some Matte-Velvets by Zoya, I can boldly say, these certainly should not disapoint. The colors looks so rich and I'm in the mood for the Holiday season! Read More below! …
Showing posts from September, 2015

Hi World, So, am I the only person that has been to over 50 million wedding this year? Ok, I am obviously exaggerating, but it certainly feels that way. LOL.. However, I am so very happy for all of the friends that have tied the knot this year. May God Bless your unions. This past weekend, I attended …

Hello loves! First question I have for you all today is: Who loves shopping? I know I do! What I love even more than shopping is when shopping is made easy with the helps of websites that already do the work for me, or have everything I need in one place! And this is where the people at Approvedcatalogues …

Hi, i'm Lizzy! It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me! I am a mom, wife, and lifestyle/family content creator/influencer. This is my full time job and I love being able to use my platform to encourage the modern woman to "Live her best life" through my personal life experiences.
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Transitioning from One Child to Two: A Personal Journey of Balancing Love
Hello friends! This is a post I've been wanting to write because I believe it'll help somebody out there. Becoming a parent for the second time is an exhilarating journey, but it can also bring a whirlwind of emotions for your firstborn. As a mom who's walked this path, I'm here to share heartfelt, si…