Hello Lovers!!! I have been away but nothing could stop me from wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 2015 has come and is leaving.. and today we celebrate Christ - the reason for the season. I hope you all are having a wonderful day and this year ends on a great note for you and your loved one. Ohhh, an…
Showing posts from 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015
Put Your Best Face Forward with Luna by Foreo: Review + Video + Discount Code
Hello loves, Happy Holiday season!!! It's officially the time for festivities and I am a happy girl because I love all of the joy and love and happiness this season brings. This season also comes with SALES and that excites the shopaholic in me. Today I have my review of the Luna by Foreo Facial Cleans…

Hola Darlings!!! So, I am very excited about today's post. As some of you know, although I don't do a lot of makeup posts, I am actually very much in love with makeup and I love to doll up my face. I try not to buy every new collection that comes out, but sometimes... as with the two items I will be showin…

Hello lovers! Hope you're all doing well? Although summer is officially set to be over and the colder days are coming in some areas, I have to be thankful for living in Texas because I can still get away with dressing as though it's still summer. The sun is still out and the days are still warm, so this all…

Hello Loves! Zoya is doing it again! What is IT you ask? Well, my darlings, the matte-velvet nail polishes are it! As someone who own some Matte-Velvets by Zoya, I can boldly say, these certainly should not disapoint. The colors looks so rich and I'm in the mood for the Holiday season! Read More below! …

Hi World, So, am I the only person that has been to over 50 million wedding this year? Ok, I am obviously exaggerating, but it certainly feels that way. LOL.. However, I am so very happy for all of the friends that have tied the knot this year. May God Bless your unions. This past weekend, I attended …

Hello loves! First question I have for you all today is: Who loves shopping? I know I do! What I love even more than shopping is when shopping is made easy with the helps of websites that already do the work for me, or have everything I need in one place! And this is where the people at Approvedcatalogues …

Hello Loves. So I turned one year older exactly one week ago from today. August 24th. (Can any of you guess my age? - Put your guesses in the comment box below). I really really loved my birthday this year, and I am grateful to be growing into the young lady, err, I mean woman I am becoming. (lol) Fo…

Hi, i'm Lizzy! It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me! I am a mom, wife, and lifestyle/family content creator/influencer. This is my full time job and I love being able to use my platform to encourage the modern woman to "Live her best life" through my personal life experiences.
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Transitioning from One Child to Two: A Personal Journey of Balancing Love
Hello friends! This is a post I've been wanting to write because I believe it'll help somebody out there. Becoming a parent for the second time is an exhilarating journey, but it can also bring a whirlwind of emotions for your firstborn. As a mom who's walked this path, I'm here to share heartfelt, si…